Used in: Movie, Episode
You can add cast members of a movie or episode in the cast field. Click “Cast (text input)” or “Cast (reference)”, and add the person and role in the newly appeared input fields, respectively. Redo for every cast member.
If the person is credited under a different name (e.g. full name instead of stage name), you can use the “Credited as” field for that.
If you chose the option containing “text input”, you can simply type the role, while the “reference” option lets you reference either a person or a character as a role. With both options you have to create a person first in order to reference her as the actor playing the role. For a referenced cast member, you also have to create the character first.
The idea of selecting a person as a role is, for example, in a documentary, where the person doesn't actually play a certain role, but appears as the real-life self. The OFDb the role will simplay state “self” next to the actor, instead of a character.
If a character in a movie is a real-life, existing person (alive or passed away), that “character” is not created as a Character content type, but as a Person content type instead.
Sometimes, a real-life person appears as a fictionalised version of him-/herself in a movie or TV show. If that is the case, we don't reference the the person as a character (as if in an existing person), but we add the person as a character as in credited in the end credits (text input or referenced).