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Used in: Movie, TV show

The poster field contains a link to the poster of the media on Don't link to a file from Wikimedia Commons, but directly to file on Wikipedia itself. If possible, we want the poster in the native language of the film or TV show.

While Wikipedia shouldn't host copyrighted material, nevertheless check that the file is considered fair use.

Posters for TV shows

Unfortunately, on Wikipedia many TV shows don't include a poster, but rather the intertitle (see Deutschland 83 article, for example). The poster field, however, is meant for posters, really, and not title cards. A promotional image, on the other hand may be added.

If there is no poster available promoting the show as a whole, the poster of a single season may be used, preferably of the first season.


contributing/guide/poster.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/03 00:29 by